Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The leadership style of Zuckerberg-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership. Answer: Although there are a number of successful leaders who have created history in their own domain, I believe Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most influential and one of the wealthiest men in the world. Zuckerberg was born in the year of 1984 in New York, White Plains. His family consisted of his father, a dentist; his mother, a psychiatrist and three of his sisters. He hails from an Ivy League college, and unequivocally was a dropout. From a very early age he started to code in a brilliant manner, Zuckerbergs father taught him BASIC and then software developer David Newman was hired to teach him privately. Newman declared Zuckerberg as a prodigy and according to him it was quite difficult to stay ahead of Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg completed his graduation from Mercy College and was coding all through his teenage years vigorously. He almost created the primitive version of AOL messenger that allowed his home computers and the computers at his fathers office to communicate with each other. Thi s essay is going to focus on the leadership style that Zuckerberg follows which has made his company Facebook reach the position it is today. A good leader is one who has the ability to motivate his employees for better work and look after their well being too (DuBrin, 2016). Looking at the leader, Mark Zuckerberg, I believe that it can be stated that he possesses a good number of managerial qualities. I believe that his leadership style can be stated to be transactional. He has learnt his lessons from the mistakes he committed, he has successfully taken risks and he has helped his company grow in the way of a leader who is almost visionary. At this very young age, Zuckerberg has, with his own merits, determination and guidance from his mentors secured a position among the top ten CEOs across the globe. He has to his credit building the most popular social networking site, named Facebook. The beginning of Facebook had been in Zuckerbergs university, Harvard. He created a program called CourseMatch back at college that helped the students to choose their respective classes and also the study groups correctly. And not only this, even during his college years he created a site called Facemash that used the Harvard students database to collect the pictures and allowed any student to choose the best looking picture and rate them accordingly. The very next day the college had to pull the site down due to its incredibly heavy traffic. This was almost a very crude prototype of the Facebook that he started to code after a year. Initially it was known as the facebook, but slowly and gradually things started taking shape and the facebook transformed to the modern day Facebook. The journey of this transformation had definitely been not a smooth one and it was Zuckerbergs leadership skills from the very beginning that helped Facebook to survive in the long run. The creation of Fac emash shows that Zuckerberg had been creative and innovative from his very early age. Transactional leaders are the kind of leaders who emphasize on maintaining the proper workflow of the operations they are dealing with. Leaders who fall in this category generally get their works done by motivating the employees with tangible and intangible rewards and also by encouraging them to perform better (DuBrin, 2016). The transactional leaders get themselves satisfied by completing targets on a regular basis. They take short term goals and fulfill it and then again take the next one (DuBrin, 2016). Their main strategy is to motivating the employees working for them which they do by offering incentives and maintaining a high incentive scheme as well as provide other opportunities for professional and personal growth (DuBrin, 2016). I believe that Mark Zuckerberg has all the mentioned qualities of a transactional leader as his working style matches the requirements that define transactional leadership qualities. He is known to motivate his employees by giving out a clear pictu re of the future of the company. Besides giving out plans for the growth of the company he also gives a brief on how to work in order to achieve the goals. His disruptive and innovative ideas, his courage and confidence and his energy for work make him one of those leaders whom the employees are happy to follow, which ultimately leads to the growth of the company. The leadership style of Zuckerberg can be better understood from the environment of the Facebook headquarters which is situated in California, MenloPark. Zuckerberg, being a transactional leader has kept the platform for an open discussion among the employees and users on every Friday. On this platform the founder Facebook himself shares his ideas and thoughts about the growth and aims of the company. The ambience at the Facebook office remains quite employee friendly given the leadership style of the CEO of the company. The employees get regular incentives, salary hikes, extra rewards for better performance as well as rewards that are more personal such as celebrating ones birthday or honoring some personal achievement. The office of Facebook offers employees with a high quality eating space and also provides them with facilities like doctors, therapists and chiropractors. It has also got yearly recreational events planned for the mental well being of the employees so that the emplo yees can work with fresh mind and vigor. Zuckerberg following the qualities of a transactional leader allows the employees of the company to choose the projects they feel most interested to work in. This method of leading the team of workers give them a sense of confidence as well as importance which make them work better and in a more concentrated manner. I believe that the transformational leadership style that Zuckerberg follows has helps and continues to help Facebook towards a promising and brighter future. He as a leader has flourished with every successful step that Facebook took and continues to do so. His leadership style can also be defined in terms of aggressive, innovative, demanding and encouraging. He allows his employees to have debates which are friendly and also encourages them to put forward any ideas they have for the betterment of the company. I believe that these very qualities make him a leader who can be looked up to. Reference: DuBrin, A. (2016). Research Findings, Practice,

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